
From the Wards - 2018

R North Ward - LACC Meeting

02 Jun 2018

Brief  of LACC Meeting

LACC was a full house from BMC officers & Citizens  thank to *Mr. Ingale Ex Engineer  for monitoring & supporting LACC  with the involvement of Asst Commnr  Ms. Nandedkar.*

  1. Mr. Rohit chaired the meeting.  The meeting was conducted harmoniously with active participation of his team & citizens
  2. It was decided *for Traffic related issues a Separate LACC be convened involving Traffic Police*. Mr. Kossambe to do d needful for the purpose.

  3. It was reported that tree fallen  braches/ leaves & cuttings dumping centers are saturated, so the collection of this garbage is delayed until further  instructions

  4. Roads markings jobs is in progress

  5. Tree basins was much on focus as citizens were very much concerned to ensure that while on road making/ repairing these basins are maintained, so that tree are safe &  sustained

  6. Follow ups of task slips which are pending since last months were taken up Progress of follow up action is gaining results

  7. Citizens raising Task slip *should persistently do telephonic follow-up with concerned officials*. Even after which no action/response, *to be taken up at next LACC meeting by mentioning it in Task Slip.*

  8. LACC what’s up group is only to post Pic of any issue to draw attention of BMC & on completion give them feedback platform. If no response given, problem not  solved, concerned citizens can take up in next LACC meeting. If any issue posted on group is life-threatening & prone to disaster & can't wait till next LACC, please TAG it as *DISASTER TASK* while posting the Pic)

  9. All issues not resolved after 2 months will be taken up at WO level as escalated issues. Our next Meeting with WO will be in July

  10. Joint site visits fixed up between respective BMC officers & Citizens pertaining to issues pending.

  11. Cleanup Marshalls are currently straying from their jobs as moneymakers. They need to be disciplined. Mr. Rohit will take up with them.

  12. Imposing Penalties / punishments for littering or dumping needs to be stringently implemented. Road on RTO stretch was emphasized.

  13. All Penalty challans imposed on defaulters if posted on group will gain citizens' confidence. We our thank  our BMC staff  Rohit & his team.

It was a good LACC meeting as it was participative by citizens & result oriented
